Thursday, March 21, 2013

Till Death Do Us Part??

Heck no! We're in it for time and all eternity! This brings up a pet peeve of mine -- it may offend some of you, but it's my opinion and I know I'm not alone in my feelings. It reallllly drives me nuts when people announce every month how long they've been married. It's like they're shocked that they're still married or something. Once a year is fine, but every freaking month is annoying. As I stated at the beginning, we're in it for time and all eternity -- I don't think it's necessary to remind everyone every single month that we're still married. I mean won't it be ridiculous once you get past 2 years? Imagine someone posting "Happy 300 month anniversary!" It's just silly and annoying. Like I said, are you surprised you're still married? I don't need a reminder and neither does anyone else.

That's my rant for the day. I'm doing alright at this blogging thing! 

Here's a cute Throwback Thursday pic of Rick to make up for any hurt feelings that may have come from my personal opinion :)
