Monday, April 8, 2013

4 Months!

Jade is 4 months already! Time definitely flies! She is just shy of 13 lbs and is 25 inches long (in the 78th percentile)! She gained about 3 lbs since last month which means she jumped from the 13th percentile to the 34th in weight :) YAY! She's growing! I wasn't too thrilled about having to switch to formula (mainly because it isn't free haha) but it's been so wonderful ever since I've switched. She's so much happier and she's gaining weight. I don't know how I put up with such a fussy baby for so long and it honestly makes me feel bad for basically starving her :( But all is well now and that's all that matters! She was sleeping really well but lately it's been rough...I'm going to blame it on teething because I honestly don't know what else it could be. I just stopped swaddling her since she can roll over now but she started sleep regression before that so the tooth it is! Her pediatrician said she's ahead of the game since she's already got a tooth breaking through but I've heard lots of moms who had early teethers so I wasn't too surprised when I noticed a tooth (I was surprised how close it was to breaking through when I noticed it though haha). She's lost a lot of hair too which could either be from cradle cap or her head growing...or both...but it looks like it's starting to grow back so that's good. She's cute either way though :)

I think that's about it for the updates...I'll eventually post the pictures on my camera from the Jazz game...maybe I'll go do that now...

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