Tuesday, March 24, 2009

3 Good Things

Ok, so in the forum/devotional today the guy was basically talking about how to teach people to be positive and gain more self esteem. One of the things he suggested was each night to write 3 things that went well that day and why. I'll probably write this in my journal eventually but I'm so terrible about that that my journal is actually still in Tooele! So here are some good things from today:

1) School went well -- I did not fall asleep in the class I normally do even though I wasn't working on homework to keep me awake

2) Work went well -- we were incredibly busy Monday and I assumed that it would be terrible today but it actually was not bad at all

3) Mary Kay -- I finally went to a Mary Kay meeting and I forget how it gets me pumped to start my business! I think I really am going to try this time! We'll see how "warm chattering" goes on Saturday with my director.

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