Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I was going through some old blogs on myspace and found some old poems I wrote so I thought I'd share.

Be You

Lost in a pool of reflection I struggle to fight rejection
I just want to fit in with the crowd Of myself I want to be proud
Then the wheels in my head start to turn An important lesson I am about to learn
There’s only one of me Me is not such a bad thing to be
Anyone who disagrees with this notion Needs a shot of love potion
They need to love themselves and others After all, aren’t we all sisters and brothers?
So get a clue, And don’t be afraid to be you

Stupid Boys

are stupid
Yes they are
There's no more cupid
He's gone afar
Boys ruin all
Whether they're short, fat, or tall

1 comment:

FitNotQuitJess said...

Love your "Boys are Stupid" one. Someday you'll find one that's not AS stupid as the rest.

(There is no such thing as a completely stupid-free boy.)